Build a new form

In this article:

Creating a new form is as simple as clicking a button. Any form can be configured to accept payment or not, depending on your account status and configuration.

Create a form

You can add a new form in your LGL Forms account from the Forms page by doing the following:

  1. Click the Add new form button
  2. Give your new form a name
  3. Click the Create form button to create your new form

A new form will open on your screen, which contains a set of default fields to give you a starting point to work from:

Add fields to your form

You can choose from a variety of different field types when building your form. To add a field, click the green Add a field button in the black bar above your form. You will be able to customize the field so that it meets your requirements, and then you can save it.

Field descriptions:

  • Name: The name of the person, or submitter, who will fill out your form
  • Email: A field to capture email address information
  • Phone: A field to capture telephone number information
  • Address: A field (with subfields) to capture address information
  • Single-line input: A one-line field for a question to which the answer would be given as text (Example: What was your high school mascot?)
  • Multi-line input: A multiline field for a question to which the answer would require a paragraph provided by the submitter (Example: A description of an experience)
  • Text description: A wysiwyg editor allowing for the addition of rich text (for example, a descriptive paragraph with bullets and images at the top of a form, or terms and conditions at the bottom of a form)
  • Date: The date the form is being filled out
  • Number: The answer to a question in number form (Example: How many laps did you run?)
  • Checkboxes: Give submitter the option to select multiple values from a specific list of possibilities
  • Radio buttons: Give submitter the option to select one from multiple possible answers to a question
  • Dropdown: Gives submitter the option to select no more than one from multiple possible answers to a question
  • Section heading: A read-only text heading
  • Custom text: A read-only block of formatted text (can include images and other HTML formatting)
  • File upload: Gives submitter the option to upload a file as part of their form submission (Example: Volunteers uploading a scanned piece of signed paperwork required for their application)

Edit a field

To edit any field, hover your cursor over it and click the Edit Field button.

You will see options allowing you to:

  • Edit the field to add heading text and field names and customize other aspects of the field. You can also set default value selections here
  • Set display rules, which allow you to define conditional field display logic (this is useful when you want a field to display only under certain conditions, such as if someone is interested in receiving your newsletter)
  • Set the field to display at full or half width (“Full width” causes the field to extend across the page; “Left half" shortens it to extend halfway and align on the left side of the form; "Right half" does the same but aligns the field on the right)
  • Set the field as “hidden” or “required”

For fields such as radio buttons or checkboxes, you can define your choices as shown here:

Set up display rules

Display rules allow you to control what a person sees while entering data into your form, based on values they have entered in other fields or in the descriptive choices in the Amount field (suggested amounts or suggested with quantity). This helps to keep data clean and improves users' experience filling out your forms.

When you create your form, add the fields you would like to cause to display when the user selects "Yes" (or whatever answer may apply). Then edit the Display Rules in that field so that the field displays only when the correct answer to the question is chosen. 

For example, if you want to offer the opportunity to sign up to receive information from your organization, you can set a rule to display a field named "What information would you like to receive?" only if someone has answered yes to the question "Do you want to join our mailing list?" Below are instructions for how to set this up.

First, add two Dropdown fields to your form in Edit mode:

  • One asking whether the person wants to receive email from you
  • One offering the different options for receiving email

Here is how you would set up the Dropdown fields:

Then edit the "Display Rules" section in the "What information would you like to receive" field so that this question displays only if the answer to the question "Do you want to join our mailing list?" in the first Dropdown field equals "Yes".

To test whether the display rules are working properly, you can view your form, make a test submission, and then examine the data to make sure it looks right:

Remove a field

You can remove a field by hovering your cursor over the field you would like to delete and clicking the Remove button.

Re-arrange the fields in your form

You can change the display order of your fields at any time via drag and drop. To do this, click the Re-order fields button for your form:

Then drag any of the fields to the position you prefer and drop it there: 

Save your work

You can save your form at any point by clicking the Save or Save & publish button.

  • Save: If you are finished for now but want to continue updating the form later.
  • Save & publish: When your work is complete and you are ready to exit the form.
  • Remember to define your form's confirmation settings to customize the experience your users will have when they complete and submit a form.